Dean Leeks

What does impotence mean?

Originally, the term impotence indicated an inability to reproduce. Nowadays this term refers to anything that leads to unsatisfactory sexual intercourse. Impotence is most often used as a synonym for erectile dysfunction which is a less emotionally hurtful term for impotence. Generally the term ‘impotence’ encompasses any disturbance in the experience or process of sexual intercourse.

How does impotence manifest itself in a man?

For a man, impotence can have the following symptoms:

  • Reduced libido. Sexual desire is reduced usually as a result of stress or a low testosterone level.
  • Premature ejaculation (ejaculatio praecox)
  • Delayed ejaculation (ejaculatio retarda)
  • Erectile dysfunction (impotentia coeundi). Penetration is prevented by the lack of hardness in the penis.
  • Erection and penetration is possible but there is no ejaculation.(Impotentia ejaculandi)
  • Sterility (Impotentia generandi) Everything functions properly but reproduction is not possible because of an insufficient sperm cell count or because of sperm cells that are not sufficiently mobile.
  • Erection, ejaculation, and reproductive ability are normal but intercourse is not satisfactory.(Impotentia satisfactionis)

For the most part, impotence manifests itself as so-called ‘erectile dysfunction’ where the penis does not become sufficiently hard to enable intercourse or when an erection cannot be maintained.

Female impotence or sexual dysfunction

  • Frigidity. A lack of libido and a lack of pleasure during intercourse.
  • Libido is high but an orgasm can still not be achieved (anorgasmia).
  • Vaginal cramping – a tightening of the vagina makes penetration more difficult, painful or prohibits penis penetration altogether (vaginitis).